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Educate - Care

Start a Campaign
To our corporate sponsors, such as Swan...Thank you so much for considering making a donation to Haiti Empowered and continuing to help us on our mission to support children in Haiti. 

To support 1 child for 1 month, it typically costs us as little as $42 or just $500 per year! 
Sponsorships go 100% to the education and health programs.  We can assure you it will go a long way in helping them go from surviving to thriving!

Support a child for:
1 month = $42
6 months = $250
1 year = $500
Or you can support however many children you feel called to. 
You can even support a group of 10 children for the year for $5,000

We appreciate all your support and feel free to contact Pete Carlson (CEO) at with any questions.